Road to 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia (2) | Basico: 442 |
English Premier League 2017-2018. Match Attax Extra (1) | Man of the Match: MA15 |
English Premier League 2017-2018 Gold (4) | Basicas: 57 Básica Amarilla: 57y Básica Roja: 57r Básica Verde: 57g |
English Premier League 2017-2018 (2) | Equipos: 119, 119LE |
English Premier League 2017-2018. Match Attax (3) | Basicas: 136 Game Changer: MT52 International Star: IT6 |
Premier Gold 2017-2018 (4) | Base card: 57 Base card Green: 57g Base card Red: 57r Base card Yellow: 57y |
Road to 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia. Adrenalyn XL (1) | Basicas: AUS06 |
FIFA Confederation Cup Russia 2017 (1) | Teams: 219 |
FIFA World Cup Russia 2018. Adrenalyn XL (3) | Basicas: 24 Edicion Limitada: EDL AMO Edicion Limitada XXL: XXL AM |
FIFA World Cup Russia 2018 Sticker Collection (1) | Basicas: 222 |
English Premier League 2018-2019 (1) | Equipos: 138 |
English Premier League 2018-2019. Match Attax (1) | Basicas: 172 |
English Premier League 2018-2019. Match Attax Ultimate (6) | Autographs: AU-AM Sketch Cards: 140 Sketch Cards Naranja: 140o Sketch Cards Purpura: 140p Sketch Cards Rojo: 140r Sketch Cards Verde: 140g |
Copa Mundial Rusia 2018 (1) | Stickers: 144 |
Match Attax 101 Season 2018-19 (1) | International Stars: 61 |
English Premier League. Football 2020 (1) | Equipos: 124 |
English Premier League 2020-2021. Adrenalyn XL (1) | Basicas: 271 |
Road to FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 (1) | Stickers: 40 |
FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. Version Europea (1) | Basicas: AUS15 |
FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. Version Internacional (1) | D Group: AUS14 |
FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. Oryx Edition (1) | Basicas: AUS15 |
Match Attax SPFL 2022-2023 (5) | Basicas: 30 Mega Booster: 277 PARALLEL Flaming Red: 30fr PARALLEL Gold Rush: 30gr PARALLEL Midnight Black: 30mb |
UEFA Champions League & Europa League 2022-23. Match Attax Extra (2) | Squad Zone: SZ13 Squad Zone Emerald Foil: SZ13-ef |